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Skin Care RSS Feed

Toriana 9 7017
Welcome! Rapha Revivifi Our Brand: Our products excels at combining organic and natural extracts to create an amazing effect on the hair and skin. Discover the power of natural, organic ingredients that will transform the way you look and feel. The best ingredients are used through sophisticated m..
Toriana 9 11843
Did you know our skin-scalp-hair is naturally designed to fight infection and free radicals from the sun/atmosphere and what we put on it? Did you know it does this by having proper pH levels? Let me explain a little about pH ... pH has a scale of 1-14, with 1 being the most acidic to 14 being t..
Toriana 2 3512
The importance of using an enzyme mask! Are you ready to know about enzyme exfoliation benefits? There's a large number of healthy face masks available. It is hard for the purchaser to pick what is the right mask. It is extremely painful to ask a specialist what they feel would be the best mask..
Toriana 2 10031
Hello Rapha Revivifi Bloggees! Thank you for visiting the Face Care Section of our blog.  Our focus will be on General Face care, whether your face is dry, normal, combination, couperouse, sensitive, mature or oily. Healthy, damaged, acne prone, hyperpigmentation, eczema, or aging. This blog is for ..
Toriana 1 3458
It is important to know that using the right body lotion for your skin is one of the best ways to keep it moist, rid of dry scaly skin, and healthy. If your skin has KP(keratosis pilaris), eczema, or cracks, it is probably due to excess dryness; choosing the right lotion is a necessity if you want t..
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