ACV: means Apple Cider Vinegar
Afro Curly: means your hair is a round shape APL: means Armpit length pertaining to how long your hair is
Ayurvedic: Ancient traditional hair care treatments of India. It consist of natural herbs to improve quality of scalp and hair ..henna, brahmi and alma are some herbs used in hi]air care treatments Baggy Method: means Helps to maintain moisture in your hair by putting on a shower cap at night after doing your hair regimen to keep moisture intact BC: means Big Chop BKT: means Brazilian Keratin Treatment Braid Out:. means Braiding hair, letting it set overnight then taking it out to achieve a wavy look hairstyle Braids: means cornrows a corn type braid braided closely to scalp, French braid an inside braid braided closely or loosely to scalp BSL: means Bra strap length pertaining to how long your hair is BSS: means Beauty Supply Store CBL: means Collar Bone length pertaining to how long your hair is Clay: A natural clay from the earth to cleanse your hair from impurities, and buildup..also known to define and loosen natual curls
CoWash: means a way to wash hair with conditioner only or a cleanse cream with no suds, helps to maintain moisture in hair Comb coils: means a hairstyle technique using the tail of a rattail comb at the root and turning it down the hair clockwise to create a coil Cones: means an ingredients in certain products called Silicones Detangle: means to use a brush, fingers or comb to remove knots from your hair with a product for easy manageability of hair DT: means Deep Treatment Dusting: means trimming hair lightly..typically a quarter of an inch or less Flat twist: means two strand twisted closely to the scalp Fluff using your fingers: means to fluff your hair to maximum volume
Hair density: means how thick or thin the hair strands are
Hair porosity: means the hair’s ability to absorb and retain moisture. There are 3 types of porosity for hair: low, normal or high Hair Regimen: means a daily, weekly, monthly hair care plan to take care of your hair Hair texture: means is width of each strand Hair type: means the amount of curl someone’s hair has…the types range from 1-4 Henna: means an herb to strengthen your hair HG Holy grail: means products that work perfect for your hair HHJ Healthy Hair Journey: means A regimen someone uses to maintain healthy hair MBL: means Mid back length pertaining to how long your hair is Pineappling: means a way to secure your curls for bed to remain your curls the next morning. Put a loose ponytail or put your hair on top of your head and sleep with a silk, satin scarf or silk pillowcase PH: The measurement of alkaline and acidity. Neutral pH is 7.0 (the pH of pure water). products with a pH of less than 7.0 are acids; great for smoothing hair cuticle the lower the pH, the stronger the acid. Products with a pH higher than 7.0 are bases alkaline; perms, colors, etc. raises hair cuticle that can damage hair. the higher the pH, the stronger the base. Healthy hair is naturally slightly acidic 5-5.5. Products with a very high or low pH are damaging to the hair and may cause burns to scalp and hair fallout without professional assistance
PJ: means Product junkie means you have tons of products from different brands, trying everything under the sun Pre poo: means using oils or conditioner to prepare your hair before you shampoo..typically to retain some moisture after shampooing Protective styling: means A style you use to protect the ends of your hair by tucking the ends away and keeping your hair out of your head to maintain length. Some styles are braids, wigs, twists, buns S&D: Search and destroy a means of searching for knots, split ends then trimming off Seal: means sealing the ends with a butter or oils after moisturized with a water base product to maintain healthy ends Slip: means if glides through your hair making your hair easy to detangle Transitioning: means no longer using a relaxer and growing the relaxer out to go natural Virgin Hair: means no chemically in your hair at all
Washngo: means putting gel, creams, conditioner in your hair creating a defined curl pattern, typically letting it air dry |